Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How to add Omakase Links Crawler to Wordpress

Did you just add the Omakase Links Widget to your Wordpress site?

Many people are confused when Amazon says "To enable Omakase Links to work properly, your site must allow our spider (Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; >> AMZNKAssocBot/4.0)) to crawl your website. The crawl is needed in order to identify the content of your website and provide matching products. If you do not allow our spider to crawl your website(s) we will not be able to choose contextually relevant products, but will still display selected products from our product lines as chosen by Omakase Links' other techniques. Site owners can use their 'robots.txt' file to restrict the site content searched by the Omakase spider."

How do I do that with the 3.5.1 and up? I am currently using 3.8.1.

To add this crawler and allow you to crawl your site, you need to perform a few simple steps. 

  1. Add the widget to your site, using the Amazon Associates Central. Clicking widgets and scrolling to the bottom to the Omakase Links Widget. 
  2. Add to the area you would like this add to show.
  3. Since the 3.5.0 update for Wordpress took away the privacy settings area in Wordpress and made it harder to find the robot.txt area, you need to download a plugin to make this simple to find again.
  4. Download the WP Robots Txt Plugin. Link to Plugin
  5. Upload this plugin by going to the sidebar of your Wordpress page to Plugins-Add New-Upload. (compress the folder you downloaded before upload)
  6. When the Plugin is active, go to Settings-Reading in your Wordpress sidebar.
  7. You will see an area called "Robots.txt Content"
  8. Add this entry to your robots.txt file like this:
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AMZNKAssocBot/4.0)
Allow: /

Check to see if you robot.txt file is working properly. By going to this URL

If you see this file you added then you are good to go! Enjoy. 
The widget will now crawl your site use many techniques to determine what products to show on your page. Some of these techniques involves the Omakase system to process the text on your page and find products Amazon that your viewer is interested in.

Comment if you have any questions and I will try my best to help you.

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