Monday, July 29, 2013

Interesting Planetary Allignment

Planetary Alignment

Today is July 29, 2013 and there is a rare alignment that has been talked about for awhile now. The image charts the position of the planets and Saturn, Mars, the Moon, Pluto and Venus are aligning. There are relations between the forces of nature and the universe. Like the moon pulling tides and with the planets aligning there will be a significant influence on the equality on life. 

Towards the end of July, about this time, the chart shown to the right shows 7 out of 10 planets will be in positive configuration. Thus creating a large amount of healing energy on the as all of them are earth and water signs. The feminine forces is giving us forces of grace and love to atone for negative forces. 2013 is a big year for dramatic changes in the energy of the Earth. This year has high hopes for peace and success.

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